# Customer Support
[For Hebrew press this LINK](support-he.html) | [לעברית לחץ על קישור זה](support-he.html)
This Page was written to support our customers. However, non-customers are still welcome to look and even download freely.
This page holds information and links to files that might be required for the system’s functionality.
## Installs
* [list of versions For Excel 64 bit](https://service.contiki.co.il/versioninfo/VersionInfo.aspx)
Please note that initial install and setup includes data import. We will be happy to provide professional assistance . Please [contact](http://www.contiki.co.il/index.html#contact) us.
## Documents
Following documents provide instructions in PDF format.
* [Hardware and Software requirements](files/contiki-computer-requirements-en.pdf)
* [Installing Contiki](files/installing-contiki.pdf)
* [Installing SQL Server](files/installing-sql-server.pdf)
## Additional Components
* It is possible that the following Microsoft driver, [Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010](files/AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe). It is required for Excel import and export operations.
* If you are using legacy Contiki features (Tik function or reports, Pivot table against CUB Tables) it is possible that you will need to install the following: [Pivot table services 2000](files/ptslite.exe).
* "ADI ERP” customers who are using ADICON, please follow the [instructions in](files/updateadicon.pdf) in case you get an expiration message.
* Connecting to Priority: [Access Priority via ODBC](priority.html).
## Remote Support
Customer support is done via TeamViewer
* [Download](https://get.teamviewer.com/contiki)
## Excel Samples
The Samples will look best with any Excel 2013 or 2016 with a screen resolution of 1920*1080
Contiki Automatically Loads and refreshes these Excel Files.
* [A Company Sample](files/contiki-demo-english-company.xlsx)
The following ones are in Hebrew:
* [A Company Sample in Hebrew](files/contiki-demo-company.xlsx)
* [A Kibbutz Sample](files/contiki-demo-kibbutz.xlsx)
* [A Dairy Farm Sample](files/contiki-demo-dairy-farm.xlsx)
* [An Agriculture Field Crop Farm](files/contiki-demo-for-gadash.xlsx)
* [A Car Fleet](files/contiki-demo-cars.xlsx)
* [A school](files/contiki-demo-kib-edu.xlsx)
* [A College](files/contiki-demo-college.xlsx)
* [A Yeshiva](files/contiki-demo-yeshiva.xlsx)
PDF Samples
Below are PDF samples of reports generated by Contiki.
* [Kibbutz Education Sample](files/contiki-demo-kib-edu.pdf)
Power Point Presentation
* [Overview Persentation](files/contiki-presentation-english.ppsx)
A full Sample Model
Download the ZIP file. Extract it to drive `c:\` . allow full read and write permission to the folders. Attach the Database in an SQL Server instance, Select it with Contiki and off you go.
* [Full Sample Model](files/edemo-full-model.zip)